Kakadu the Musical...an inspiration
“Kakadu the Musical” is an exciting, inspirational and moving experience that takes its name from the famous lagos night club of the sixties, which gave birth to an era of wonderful music and the distinctive social life that followed the birthing of a young nation.
Set against the background of a newly independent Nigeria “brimming with hope, dreams and expectations”, characters like the Manager of Kakadu, Lugard da Rocha, fondly called “Lord Lugard” takes us on a spectacular musical expedition that delves deep into the human stories that connect and weave through Kakadu, the club and the dream it represents.
With the unforgettable music of the sixties and seventies intricately woven into the dialogue, we travel through this journey guided by a rich and diverse choral arrangement. Through the “lens” of the music, we experience the passage of time, and follow the memorable and easily recognizable characters through their aspirations and relationships, the pain and loss of friendship, and ultimately the conflicts presented by the factors that led to the civil war. Guided by the music and dance we experience the erosion of innocence in the famed city of Lagos, and the triumph of hope over despair and defeat.
The plot is powerful and the storyline is captivating. The dance is sensational and complements an exciting blend of music that produces an amazing and unforgettable theatrical experience complete with multi-media presentations of slices of history.
“Kakadu the Musical” is one seamless weave of music, drama and dance.
Agip recital hall, Muson centre, Lagos
Starting Date:
9th,10th,11th,12th and 17th,18th, 19th May 2013
7PM dailly (Matinee shows 12:00 noon)
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